
We Are Moving

Update regarding the future of Bookclubs

We Are Moving

Hello All,

I am technically still on my Winter Break (you can expect my Best of 2024 lists and 2025 Hopefully lists to hit next week), but I needed to hop on here and talk about a pressing issue.

If you are on Threads or Blue Sky, you may have seen the recent discourse about Fable and AI. Users have shared Reading Stats from Fable stating: reaad an occasional white author, your bookshelf makes me wonder if you're ever in the mood for a straight, cis white man's perspective.

I didn't discuss this publicly, but around Thanksgiving, when Shelfies were released on the Fable app, a user messaged me a screenshot of their Indigenous Book Shelfie. It was labeled "Savage Souls" As you may be aware, savage is a deragatory term used historically to describe Indigenous people. The user was in contact with Fable. An apology was issued.

Based on recent events, it seems the issue of GENERATIVE AI RACISM has not been resolved and I do not feel like the app aligns with my values at this time. I will be leaving that club on "active" status in hopes that they resolve the issue in a way that I find satisfactory, but I will not be updating new books after this month.

If you are in Women in Horror Book Club or Good Day to Read Indigenous book club, both will have separate FORUMS in the DISCORD APP. These book clubs are free. You just need to create a Discord account and download the app.

Here is the invite link to my Discord. Please let me know if you have any issues with access.



Jan 2

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